Black Ops Squadron

MillionManLan 9 L4D2 Tourney Update
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Author:  whizperz [ Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  MillionManLan 9 L4D2 Tourney Update

Yesterday our L4D2 lan team competed in the Alienware Arena L4D2 Tournament in Louisville, KY at MillionManLan 9. First map up was Dead Center where we narrowly pulled out a win over Like A Boss on the finale. Next came team OSLT2 on Swamp Fever who ended up conceding the match giving us the victory after the 3rd map leaving two unplayed. For the semi-finals we were put up against team Instagib who put up a really strong fight on Dark Carnival pulling out the victory over our team 2029-3158. All in all it was a great run for us and we are looking forward to next year's event...hopefully featuring Battlefield 3!

This is it for us at MML 9 as the event closes today around 2pm EST. Check back tomorrow as we go up against SOC/e.G. for our final match of the TWL 8v8 BC2 season. We are currently ranked 8th overall with a 5-2 record and hope to extend it to 6-2 tonight.

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