It has been awhile since our last team update. Since our last update, we have ventured into Call of Duty: Black Ops competition as our primary focus. We had a great first season in the TWL Search and Destroy Barebones league finishing in the top 4 in our division. We had an exciting end to the regular season with our last two matches going into OT and double OT. However, we eventually ended up losing our first round match in the playoffs playing against the same team we lost to in double OT the week before. Great games all around and I'm very proud of the effort we put in.
Season 2 has just begun and we are gearing up for week 3 on Cracked. Wednesday night's week 2 match against BtFu on Firing Range felt great. Firing Range is one of those maps that we have historically just not played well on and it carried over into our scrims. Because of the holiday break we were fortunate enough to endure two weeks of tough, loss-filled weeks of scrimming on Firing Range. However, all the losses and hard work paid off as we skated to a very easy 13-5 win over BtFu.
Next week we move on to Cracked which is a map we haven't played in competition and not necessarily a favorite among the team either. We're going to power through this week and are looking forward to week 4 and beyond as we start to get into maps that we love to play competitively.
We'd also like to officially welcome a few new faces to the team. Redman was picked up many months back and has been a great addition to the team. We just recently added another Black Ops player named Ironside to the ]BoS[ family as well. The outlook for the team is looking incredibly bright as we bulk up with fresh faces and friends and gear up for another round of the Battlefield series later this year.
]BoS[whizperz - Clan Leader Steam: whizperz